About the Song

A Rumble in the Heart: Elvis Presley’s “Trouble”
Ah, the King. Elvis Presley, a name that conjures up images of swiveling hips, electrifying performances, and a voice that could melt the coldest heart. But beyond the glitz and glamour, there was a raw power in Elvis, a wildness that simmered beneath the surface. And nowhere is that more evident than in his 1958 hit, “Trouble.”

This isn’t the sweet-crooning Elvis we swooned over in “Can’t Help Falling in Love.” This is a different beast, a blues-infused, foot-stomping declaration of a man who knows his own demons. From the opening growl of “If you’re lookin’ for trouble, you came to the right place,” we know we’re in for something different.

“Trouble” isn’t just a song; it’s a swagger. It’s the defiant stance of a young man who’s been knocked down, dusted himself off, and come back swinging. He’s not looking for trouble, mind you, but if it finds him, well, he’s ready. He’s got the mountain-jack blood in his veins, the rebellious spirit that won’t be tamed.

The lyrics are a tapestry of contradictions. “I was born standing up and talking back,” he snarls, but then softens, “I ain’t never looked for trouble, but I ain’t never ran.” He’s a walking paradox, a sinner with a saint’s heart, a bad boy with a mama’s smile.

But beneath the bravado, there’s a vulnerability. He calls himself “evil,” whispers that “my middle name is misery.” This isn’t just a song about seeking trouble; it’s about the burden of carrying it within. He’s a walking storm, a lightning rod for chaos, and he knows it.

And yet, there’s a strange kind of freedom in that knowledge. He owns his darkness, doesn’t shy away from it. He wears it like a badge of honor, a reminder that he’s survived the storm and emerged stronger.

“Trouble” is more than just a catchy tune; it’s a window into the soul of a young Elvis Presley. It’s the sound of a man wrestling with his demons, finding his voice, and daring the world to keep up. It’s a song for anyone who’s ever felt lost, misunderstood, or just a little bit dangerous. It’s a reminder that trouble might find you, but it doesn’t have to define you. You can dance with it, own it, even make it sing.

So crank up the volume, let the bass rumble through your bones, and lose yourself in the “Trouble” of Elvis Presley. You might just find a little bit of yourself in the King’s wild heart.



If you’re lookin’ for trouble
You came to the right place
If you’re lookin’ for trouble
Just look right in my face
I was born standin’ up
And talkin’ back
My daddy was a green-eyed mountain jack
Because I’m evil
My middle name is misery, yeah, yeah
Well, I’m evil
So don’t you mess around with me
I never looked for trouble
But I never ran
I don’t take no orders
From no kind of man
I’m only made out
Of flesh, blood and bone
But if you’re gonna start a rumble, don’t you try it all alone
Because I’m evil
My middle name is misery, yeah
Well, I’m evil
So don’t you mess around with me
I’m evil, evil, evil as can be
I’m evil, evil, evil as can be
So don’t mess around, don’t mess around
Don’t mess around with me
I’m evil, I’m evil, evil, evil
So don’t mess around, don’t mess around with me
I’m evil, I’ll tell you how I’m evil
So don’t mess around with me

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