My Elvis Collection

About the Song

Ah, “Silent Night” by the King himself, Elvis Presley. It conjures up a scene like a velvet painting: a crackling fireplace, snowflakes dancing against the windowpane, and the warm, rich tones of Elvis’s voice weaving through the air. It’s a song that’s been sung by countless voices over the years, yet when Elvis takes the reins, it becomes something altogether different.

Let’s rewind back a bit, to a time before rock and roll shook the world. “Silent Night” wasn’t always synonymous with Elvis. The original carol was penned in 1818 by an Austrian priest, Franz Xaver Gruber, and its first rendition was a humble affair, sung in a small church by candlelight. But its message of peace and hope resonated, and it quickly became a Christmas staple, finding its way across continents and oceans.

Fast forward to the 1960s, and Elvis Presley, the man who redefined popular music, was at the peak of his career. His electrifying performances and swiveling hips had turned him into a cultural icon, a whirlwind of energy and innovation. Yet, amidst the glitz and glamour, there was another side to Elvis, a man deeply connected to his roots and his faith.

It was during this period that he decided to record “Silent Night”. Now, some might scoff at the idea of the King of Rock and Roll tackling such a traditional carol. But Elvis, with his characteristic touch, managed to breathe new life into the song while respecting its essence.

He stripped it down, removing the bombast and production that had become commonplace in Christmas music. Just a simple piano, a gentle melody, and Elvis’s voice, raw and unfiltered. It was a departure from his usual repertoire, but it resonated with a different kind of power.

There’s a vulnerability in Elvis’s rendition that catches you off guard. He sings with a hushed reverence, his voice dropping to a whisper at times, capturing the awe and wonder of that first holy night. It’s a stark contrast to the high-octane energy he’s known for, but it’s equally captivating.

“Silent Night” by Elvis Presley isn’t just a Christmas song; it’s a testament to the versatility and depth of the man himself. It shows us that even the King of Rock and Roll could be touched by the simple beauty of faith and tradition. So, this holiday season, as you gather around the tree or light the menorah, give Elvis’s “Silent Night” a listen. You might be surprised by the peace and solace it brings.

And who knows, it might just become a new holiday tradition in your home, a reminder that even the most unexpected voices can bring new meaning to the timeless songs of the season.



Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
‘Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace
Silent night, holy night
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glorious strains from Heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Hallelujah
Christ the Savior is born
Christ the Savior is born

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