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About The Song

Come The Day: A Song of Hope and Optimism

In the realm of folk music, few bands have achieved the enduring popularity and cultural impact of The Seekers. Hailing from Melbourne, Australia, this quartet captivated audiences worldwide with their harmonious vocals, heartfelt lyrics, and gentle melodies. Their music, infused with elements of pop and country, resonated with listeners of all ages, transcending borders and generations. Among their extensive repertoire, one song stands out as a beacon of hope and optimism: “Come The Day.”

Released in 1966, “Come The Day” is a testament to the power of music to inspire and uplift. Written by Bruce Woodley, the song’s gentle melody and poignant lyrics paint a vivid picture of a world yearning for peace and harmony. The Seekers’ exquisite harmonies intertwine seamlessly, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and hope.

Judith Durham’s angelic soprano takes center stage, her voice soaring effortlessly through the verses and choruses. Her vocal delivery is infused with emotion, conveying a deep-seated belief in the inherent goodness of humanity and the promise of a brighter future.

The lyrics of “Come The Day” are as timeless as they are profound. Woodley’s words speak to the universal human desire for peace and understanding, painting a vivid tapestry of a world free from conflict and strife. The song’s imagery is evocative, conjuring scenes of tranquility and harmony that resonate deeply with listeners.

“Come The Day” is more than just a song; it is a declaration of faith in the human spirit. It is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow. The song’s enduring popularity is a testament to its power to touch hearts and inspire minds.

As the world continues to grapple with challenges and uncertainties, “Come The Day” serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us of the inherent goodness that exists within humanity and the potential for a more peaceful and harmonious future. It is a song that deserves to be cherished for generations to come, its message of hope and optimism as relevant today as it was when it was first released.


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