Blue Christmas: Autres

About the Song

Aching with Memories, Wrapped in Blues: Elvis and Martina’s “Blue Christmas”
Gather ’round, friends, let’s settle in by the fire’s glow, for there’s a song tonight that stirs the soul, a melody woven with longing and loss. It’s “Blue Christmas,” a duet painted in shades of melancholy, where the rich baritone of Elvis Presley and the honeyed tones of Martina McBride intertwine to paint a picture of a Christmas unlike any other.

This ain’t your grandma’s carols, brimming with sugarplums and sleigh bells. This is a Christmas draped in shadows, where tinsel loses its sparkle and mistletoe wilts. It’s a Christmas sung by those who’ve known the sting of absence, the ache of an empty chair at the table, the echo of laughter that used to fill the air.

Elvis, the king of rock and roll, pours his heart into every note. His voice, a velvety sigh, speaks of a lover gone, leaving him with only “decorations of red on a green Christmas tree” that mock his loneliness. He whispers of snowflakes falling, each one a teardrop reminding him of “blue memories startin’ callin’.”

Martina, with her voice like warm honey, joins in, her gentle strength weaving a tapestry of empathy and understanding. She knows this pain, this hollowness in the heart. She sings of “doing alright, with your Christmas of white,” but there’s a tremor in her voice, a hint of heartache that mirrors Elvis’s lament.

“Blue Christmas” isn’t a song of despair, though. It’s a song of resilience, a testament to the human spirit’s ability to find solace even in the face of grief. It’s a song that admits the ache, the hollowness, but doesn’t wallow in it. It lets the tears fall, then gently lifts the chin, reminding us that even in the deepest blue, there’s still a flicker of hope, a warmth that lingers in the shared memories, in the love that transcends even absence.

So, close your eyes, friends, and let this song wash over you. Let it carry you back to Christmases past, both joyous and bittersweet. Let it remind you that even in the bluest of times, we’re not alone. We share this journey, this tapestry of laughter and tears, love and loss. And in that shared experience, perhaps we can find a measure of comfort, a strength to carry us through the long winter nights, and into the promise of a new dawn.

For as “Blue Christmas” reminds us, even the bluest of days eventually give way to the golden promise of a sunrise. And when that sun peeks over the horizon, it might just bring with it a newfound strength, a heart that aches but still beats, a spirit that knows, even in the blue, there’s always a reason to hope, a reason to believe that someday, Christmas might not feel so blue after all.



I’ll have a blue Christmas without you
I’ll be so blue just thinking about you
Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree
Won’t be the same dear, if you’re not here with me
And when those blue snowflakes start falling
That’s when those blue memories start calling
You’ll be doing all right
With your Christmas of white
But I’ll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas
You’ll be doing alright
With your christmas of white
But I’ll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas
You’ll be doing all right
With your Christmas of white
But I’ll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas