Mills Brothers - You Always Hurt the One You Love - Best of the Mills  Brothers: lyrics and songs | Deezer

About the Song

You Always Hurt the One You Love: A Timeless Classic by The Mills Brothers
In the realm of timeless love songs, few compositions resonate as deeply as “You Always Hurt the One You Love” by The Mills Brothers. Released in 1944, this poignant ballad has transcended generations, captivating audiences with its heartfelt lyrics and soothing harmonies. The song’s enduring popularity is a testament to its ability to capture the complexities of human relationships, particularly the bittersweet nature of love and loss.

The Mills Brothers, a vocal quartet comprising brothers John, Herbert, Harry, and Don, were renowned for their rich, velvety harmonies and impeccable musicianship. Their rendition of “You Always Hurt the One You Love” is a masterclass in vocal artistry, each brother’s voice intertwining seamlessly to create a tapestry of sound that is both soothing and emotive.

The song’s lyrics, penned by Allan Roberts and Doris Fisher, delve into the paradoxical nature of love, where deep affection can coexist with moments of pain and hurt. The opening lines, “When you’re too close, I take for granted / The way you make me smile,” capture the essence of this sentiment, suggesting that familiarity can sometimes breed complacency, leading to unintentional neglect.

The chorus, “You always hurt the one you love, the one you should be kind to / But do you think that I would hurt you ever?” reinforces this notion, acknowledging the tendency to inflict pain on those we hold most dear, often without malice or intent. The song’s narrator grapples with this reality, questioning their own actions and seeking understanding.

“You Always Hurt the One You Love” is not merely a lament about love’s imperfections; it also offers a glimmer of hope. The bridge, “And still, I love you more and more each day / Though the heartache never seems to go away,” suggests that despite the pain, love’s power endures, capable of transcending even the deepest wounds.

The song’s conclusion, “I’d rather have you by my side / Than be alone,” reaffirms the narrator’s unwavering commitment to their love, despite its complexities. This sentiment resonates deeply with listeners, offering solace and understanding in the face of love’s challenges.

“You Always Hurt the One You Love” by The Mills Brothers stands as a timeless classic, a poignant ballad that captures the complexities of love and loss with heartfelt sincerity and musical elegance. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its ability to touch the hearts of listeners across generations, offering solace and understanding in the face of love’s challenges.


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