Roy Orbison "I'm Hurtin' / I Can't Stop Loving You" 1960 45-433 7" 45 rpm Record | eBay

About the Song

Roy Orbison, a name that conjures up images of thick black glasses, a powerful voice, and a certain brand of emotional intensity. Orbison’s music wasn’t for the faint of heart. He sang of love, loss, and longing with a depth of feeling that few could match. And perhaps no song exemplifies this more than his 1961 classic, “I Can’t Stop Loving You”.

This wasn’t Orbison’s own composition, but the song found its perfect home when it landed in his hands. Written by country singer-songwriter Don Gibson, “I Can’t Stop Loving You” became something entirely different when Orbison took hold of it.

The arrangement itself is relatively simple, a bed of strings and a steady drumbeat giving way to Orbison’s soaring vocals. But it’s that voice, oh that voice! Orbison possessed a baritone that could crack with vulnerability one moment and then rise to a powerful crescendo the next. He wasn’t afraid to stretch notes, to wring every ounce of emotion out of the lyrics.

And what lyrics they are! “I Can’t Stop Loving You” isn’t a song about the happy side of love. It’s a song about the ache of a love that can’t be, a love that’s lost or slipping away. The narrator knows it’s over, but the depth of his feeling is so strong, he can’t help but cling to it. It’s a sentiment many of us can relate to, that bittersweet pang of a love that lingers even when the relationship is gone.

So, if you’re looking for a song that will take you on an emotional rollercoaster, look no further than Roy Orbison’s “I Can’t Stop Loving You”. It’s a timeless ballad, a masterclass in vocal delivery, and a testament to the enduring power of love and loss.


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