BBC Two - Neil Diamond: Solitary Man

About the Song

Neil Diamond, a name synonymous with catchy melodies and powerful vocals. But before he became the chart-topping icon we know today, there was a young Neil Diamond just starting out, and his early work captured a different side of him. One of his first big hits, released in 1966, was a song called “Solitary Man”.

This wasn’t the flamboyant, sequined showman fans would come to adore. “Solitary Man” showcased a more introspective side of Diamond. It’s a ballad, a gentle and melancholic tune about a man yearning for connection. The lyrics paint a picture of someone adrift, searching for love and a place to belong. It resonated with a generation, particularly young adults who were themselves navigating the complexities of love and relationships.

Back then, the music scene was buzzing with bands and a more rebellious spirit. “Solitary Man” stood out with its vulnerability and sincerity. It was a song for the quiet observer, the one who felt a little out of step with the crowd. Diamond’s voice, raw and expressive, perfectly conveyed the longing and loneliness of the lyrics.

Even for those who weren’t necessarily lonely themselves, “Solitary Man” struck a chord. It spoke to a universal human desire for connection, a feeling that transcends age and time. So, if you’re looking for a taste of a young Neil Diamond, a song that captures a quieter, more introspective side of him, then look no further than “Solitary Man”. It’s a timeless ballad that continues to resonate with listeners of all ages.
