Neil Diamond - September Morn' | Releases | Discogs

About the Song

Neil Diamond, a name synonymous with powerful vocals, catchy melodies, and lyrics that touch the heart. Today, we turn our attention to one of his ballads from 1979, a song that evokes a certain nostalgia and tenderness – “September Morn”.

Released as the title track on his thirteenth studio album, “September Morn” is a departure from some of Diamond’s more upbeat and rock-influenced tunes. This song leans into a lush orchestral arrangement, with a simple piano line blossoming into a full-blown chorus that showcases Diamond’s unmistakable vocal talent. Some critics felt it a bit subdued compared to his usual passionate delivery, but for many listeners, it captured a different side of the artist – a more reflective and introspective mood.

“September Morn” isn’t your typical love song. It doesn’t paint a grand picture of fireworks and declarations. Instead, it whispers of a quieter intimacy, a connection built on shared moments and unspoken emotions. The lyrics hint at a past love, perhaps a summer romance that has faded with the changing seasons. There’s a melancholic beauty in the imagery, a sense of longing for what might have been or a cherished memory held close.

Whether you’re a longtime fan of Neil Diamond or simply appreciate a well-crafted ballad, “September Morn” is a song that deserves a listen. It’s a reminder that love can take many forms, and sometimes the quietest moments are the ones that resonate the most. So, settle in, let Diamond’s voice wash over you, and get swept away by the gentle tide of “September Morn”.
