Music is Judith Durham's food of love - Beat Magazine

About the Song

In the tapestry of timeless music, certain melodies capture the essence of human experience, weaving stories of love, loss, and the enduring search for connection. Such is the artistry found within the song, “What Could Be A Better Way”, performed by the enchanting Judith Durham with the iconic group, The Seekers. Nestled within their 1971 album, “Climb Ev’ry Mountain”, this song serves as a gentle reminder of life’s simple joys and the profound beauty of shared moments.

As the song opens, Durham’s voice, both delicate and powerful, invites us into a world of quiet contemplation. The lyrics, penned with heartfelt sincerity, paint a picture of two souls finding solace in each other’s company. It’s a testament to the enduring power of love, even in the face of life’s challenges. The melody, carried by a gentle acoustic guitar and subtle orchestration, creates an atmosphere of warmth and intimacy, further drawing us into the song’s emotional core.

“What Could Be A Better Way” is a song that resonates across generations. It speaks to the universal longing for companionship, the desire to find a safe harbor in the midst of life’s storms. It’s a song that celebrates the simple act of sharing, whether it’s a conversation, a walk in the park, or simply being present with someone you care about. In a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming, this song offers a moment of respite, a reminder that the most precious moments in life are often found in the quiet spaces between the noise.

For those who have followed The Seekers’ musical journey, “What Could Be A Better Way” is a hidden gem, showcasing a different facet of their artistry. It’s a departure from their more upbeat and energetic hits, revealing a depth and vulnerability that further endears them to their audience. For newcomers to their music, this song serves as a beautiful introduction, offering a glimpse into the heart and soul of this beloved group.

As we listen to “What Could Be A Better Way,” we’re reminded that life’s greatest treasures aren’t found in material possessions or grand achievements. They’re found in the connections we forge with others, the love we share, and the memories we create along the way. It’s a song that speaks to the enduring spirit of humanity, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there’s always hope to be found in the company of those we love.

So, take a moment to savor the beauty of this song. Let Judith Durham’s voice transport you to a place of peace and tranquility. And remember, in the grand tapestry of life, there truly could be no better way to spend your time than sharing it with someone you cherish.
