The Seekers: Remembering Judith Durham | A World of Their Own - ABC News

About the Song

Featured on their 1971 album, “Climb Ev’ry Mountain”, this song is a gentle reminder of the enduring power of love, loyalty, and the simple pleasures that often get overshadowed in our modern world.

Durham’s vocals, as always, are a masterclass in emotive storytelling. Her voice, rich and warm, wraps around the lyrics, painting a vivid picture of a woman who unabashedly embraces her “old-fashioned” values. There’s no apology, no hint of self-doubt; instead, there’s a quiet confidence and a deep appreciation for the enduring qualities that have stood the test of time.

The lyrics themselves are a tapestry of heartfelt sentiments and poignant observations. They speak of a love that’s steadfast and true, a commitment to cherishing the little things, and a longing for a simpler, more genuine way of life. It’s a song that tugs at the heartstrings, not through grand gestures or dramatic declarations, but through its quiet sincerity and its ability to capture the essence of human connection in its purest form.

“I’m Old Fashioned” is a song that invites reflection. It encourages us to pause and consider the values we hold dear, the relationships we nurture, and the choices we make in our daily lives. It’s a reminder that amidst the hustle and bustle of the modern world, there’s a timeless beauty in embracing the simple joys and cherishing the bonds that truly matter.

For those who grew up listening to The Seekers, this song is likely a treasured memory, a nostalgic journey back to a time when music was more than just entertainment; it was a reflection of the human spirit. And for those discovering this song for the first time, it’s an opportunity to experience the magic of Judith Durham’s voice and the enduring power of a song that speaks to the heart.

In a world that’s constantly changing, “I’m Old Fashioned” is a comforting reminder that some things never go out of style. Love, loyalty, and a genuine appreciation for life’s simple pleasures are values that will forever remain relevant, regardless of the era or the trends of the day.
