Climb Ev'ry Mountain (CD) by Judith Durham | Classics Direct - Classics  Direct

About the Song

Released in 1971, this poignant ballad continues to resonate with listeners of all ages, its message of faith and hope as relevant today as it was over five decades ago.

Durham’s voice, a sublime blend of warmth and clarity, breathes life into the song’s evocative lyrics. Her delivery is both heartfelt and deeply personal, inviting the listener to share in her profound reflections on the mysteries of life and the human spirit. The song’s gentle orchestration, featuring delicate strings and a lilting piano, provides a tender backdrop for Durham’s captivating performance.

At its core, “Do You Believe” explores the universal questions that have pondered humanity since time immemorial. Do we have a purpose in this vast universe? Is there a guiding force that watches over us? What awaits us beyond the veil of mortality? Durham’s lyrics, penned with poetic grace, do not offer easy answers. Instead, they encourage introspection, prompting us to examine our own beliefs and convictions.

The song’s chorus, with its soaring melody and heartfelt plea, serves as a powerful testament to the enduring power of faith. “Do you believe in a heaven above? Do you believe in a power called love?” Durham asks, her voice filled with both yearning and conviction. The questions linger in the air, inviting us to consider the profound implications of our answers.

“Do You Believe” is not merely a song about faith, however. It is also a celebration of the human spirit, its resilience in the face of adversity, and its capacity for love and compassion. Durham’s lyrics remind us that even in our darkest moments, there is always hope. The song’s message of optimism and perseverance is a balm for weary souls, offering solace and inspiration to those navigating life’s challenges.

For those who have followed Judith Durham’s illustrious career, “Do You Believe” holds a special place in their hearts. It showcases the singer’s remarkable range, both vocally and emotionally. Durham’s interpretation of the song is a masterclass in subtlety and nuance, every phrase imbued with meaning and sincerity. The song’s enduring popularity is a testament to its timeless appeal, its ability to touch the hearts of listeners across generations.

Whether you are a longtime fan of Judith Durham or new to her music, “Do You Believe” is a song that deserves a place in your collection. It is a timeless reminder of the power of music to uplift, inspire, and connect us to something greater than ourselves.
