About the Song

Too Much, Too Little: A Duet of Love’s Extremes

In the realm of soul music, few names resonate with the same enduring charm and elegance as Johnny Mathis and Deniece Williams. Individually, they have graced the music industry with their captivating vocals, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of listeners worldwide. Yet, when their voices intertwined in a harmonious duet, they created a masterpiece that transcended the boundaries of time and genre: “Too Much, Too Little”.

Released in 1978, this soulful ballad encapsulates the complexities of love, exploring the delicate balance between passion and restraint, affection and detachment. Mathis’s velvety baritone intertwines seamlessly with Williams’s soaring soprano, creating a tapestry of emotions that resonates with profound authenticity.

The song’s opening lines, “Too much love, too little time”, set the stage for a lyrical journey that delves into the paradoxes of love. The singers lament the fleeting nature of love, acknowledging the bittersweet reality that even the most intense affections can be constrained by the limitations of time.

As the verses unfold, the narrative delves into the depths of human desire, exploring the yearning for connection and the fear of vulnerability. The singers’ voices intertwine, their harmonies conveying the push-and-pull of emotions that characterize passionate relationships.

The chorus, “Too much love, too little time, too much passion, too much pain”, serves as a poignant refrain, capturing the essence of the song’s message. It is a testament to the power of love, its ability to both elevate and consume, to bring joy and heartache in equal measure.

“Too Much, Too Little” is not merely a song; it is an experience, an emotional odyssey that transports listeners into the heart of love’s intricate dance. Mathis and Williams’s masterful vocals, coupled with the song’s poignant lyrics, create a timeless masterpiece that continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

The song’s enduring popularity is a testament to its ability to resonate with listeners across generations and cultures. It speaks to the universal human experience of love, with its complexities, contradictions, and profound impact on our lives. “Too Much, Too Little” is a reminder that love, in all its forms, is a powerful force that shapes our lives, leaving an indelible mark on our souls.


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