Love Hurts — a song recorded 60 years ago by the Everly Brothers has had a colourful afterlife —

About the Song

“Love Hurts” by the Everly Brothers. Now that’s a song that brings back memories, isn’t it? Released in 1960, it wasn’t even a single at first, but a hidden gem tucked away on their album “A Date with the Everly Brothers.” But those soaring harmonies, that melancholic melody, well, it captured something real, something everyone could relate to – the bittersweet sting of love.

The Everly Brothers themselves were no strangers to heartbreak. Don and Phil, those two All-American boys with their infectious smiles, had a falling out with their manager around the time “Love Hurts” was released. Maybe that seeped into the song, giving it that extra layer of authenticity. Or maybe it was simply the genius of Boudleaux Bryant, the songwriter who penned the tune.

Whatever the reason, “Love Hurts” resonated. It became an anthem for the lovelorn, a gentle reminder that even the most beautiful things can leave scars. It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, this love business. There were heartaches, disappointments, moments that left you feeling a little bruised and battered.

But here’s the thing about “Love Hurts” – it wasn’t all doom and gloom either. There’s a quiet wisdom in those lyrics, a kind of rueful acceptance. The narrator might be young, but he’s learned a thing or two. He knows love can be a gamble, a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Yet, there’s a hint of defiance too. He’s not going to be fooled by some fairy tale version of love. He’s seen the truth, and he’s sharing it with the world, his voice a soulful counterpoint to Phil’s soaring harmonies.

So, if you’re feeling a little nostalgic, a little heartbroken, or maybe just a little wiser with age, then “Love Hurts” is the song for you. It’s a timeless classic, a testament to the enduring power of love, in all its messy glory.


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