Peace In The Valley - The Complete Gospel Recordings - Compilation by Elvis Presley | Spotify

About the Song

A Haven in the Heart: Elvis Presley’s “There’ll Be Peace in the Valley”
Close your eyes, dear friends, and let your minds drift back to a bygone era. Picture a time when crackling radios played sweet melodies, and the crooning voice of Elvis Presley filled the airwaves. Among his countless hits, one tune stands out, a beacon of hope and solace amidst the uncertainties of life. That song, of course, is “(There’ll Be) Peace in the Valley.”

Written by Red Foley in 1939, the song resonated deeply with Elvis, a man who knew both the highs and lows of fame and fortune. He released his rendition in 1957, injecting it with a unique blend of gospel fervor and rock-and-roll swagger. The result was a masterpiece that transcended genre and time, finding its way into the hearts of millions, young and old.

The opening notes, a gentle strumming of the guitar, evoke a sense of quiet contemplation. Elvis’s voice enters, soft and tender, weaving a tale of yearning for a simpler time. He sings of a place beyond earthly troubles, a “valley” where “peace” reigns supreme. There, “no sadness, no sorrow, no trouble” will be found, only the sweet embrace of tranquility.

But this isn’t just a naive wish for escape. The song acknowledges the struggles of life, the “trouble I see.” It’s a recognition of the burdens we all carry, the doubts and fears that whisper in the dark. Yet, amidst the shadows, Elvis offers a glimmer of hope. He reminds us that even in the darkest valleys, peace exists, waiting to be found.

The chorus, a refrain of simple yet powerful lyrics, becomes a mantra of faith. “There will be peace in the valley for me, someday,” Elvis sings, his voice filled with conviction. It’s a promise whispered to the soul, a reassurance that even in the face of hardship, tranquility awaits.

The song’s genius lies in its universality. “There’ll Be Peace in the Valley” transcends religious boundaries, speaking to the human yearning for inner peace that transcends creed and circumstance. It’s a lullaby for the weary, a hymn for the hopeful, a testament to the enduring power of faith.

So, dear friends, as you listen to this timeless melody, let your worries melt away. Imagine yourself walking through that verdant valley, bathed in the golden light of peace. Remember, even in the midst of life’s storms, Elvis’s voice whispers a promise of serenity. For in the quiet corners of our hearts, peace is always waiting to be found.

And when the final notes fade, carry that message with you. Let it be a beacon guiding you through life’s shadows, a reminder that even the darkest valleys cannot extinguish the flame of hope that burns within us all. For in the end, “There’ll Be Peace in the Valley,” not just for Elvis, but for you, for me, for all who seek it.



Oh well, I’m tired and so weary
But I must go alone
‘Til the Lord comes and calls
Calls me away, oh yes
Well, the morning’s so bright
And the lamp is alight
And the night
Night is as black as the sea, oh yes
There will be peace in the valley for me, some day
There will be peace in the valley for me, oh Lord I pray
There’ll be no sadness, no sorrow
No trouble, trouble I see
There will be peace in the valley for me
Well the bear will be gentle
And the wolves will be tame
And the lion shall lay down
By the lamb, oh yes
And the beasts from the wild
Shall be lit by a child
And I’ll be changed
Changed from this creature that I am, oh yes
There will be peace in the valley for me, some day
There will be peace in the valley for me, oh Lord I pray
There’ll be no sadness, no sorrow
Oh my Lord, no trouble, trouble I see
There will be peace in the valley for me, for me