About the Song

Lou Rawls – See You When I Git There: A Soulful Meditation on Mortality and Hope

The velvety baritone of Lou Rawls has always had a way of reaching deep into the soul, stirring emotions and painting vivid pictures with his words. In his 1977 classic, “See You When I Git There“, Rawls delivers a poignant reflection on mortality and the enduring power of love and faith.

The song opens with a gentle, almost lullaby-like melody, setting a contemplative tone. Rawls’s voice, rich and resonant, enters with a sense of warmth and acceptance. He sings of a journey he must take, one that will lead him away from his loved ones. There’s a hint of sadness, but it’s tempered by a profound sense of peace and hope.

The lyrics are simple yet profound. Rawls doesn’t shy away from the reality of death, but he frames it within a larger spiritual context. He speaks of a reunion in the afterlife, a place where earthly sorrows fade and love endures. “I’m gonna see you when I get there,” he sings, his voice filled with a quiet conviction. “Don’t you worry ’bout me.”

The chorus, with its soaring harmonies and gospel-infused fervor, is a testament to the enduring power of faith. It’s a moment of uplift, a reminder that even in the face of loss, there is always hope. Rawls’s voice, now imbued with a passionate intensity, carries the listener along on a wave of emotion.

See You When I Git There” is more than just a song about death; it’s a celebration of life and the connections that bind us together. It’s a reminder that love transcends the boundaries of time and space, and that even in our darkest moments, we are never truly alone.

Rawls’s performance is nothing short of masterful. His phrasing is impeccable, his delivery nuanced and heartfelt. He imbues every word with meaning, drawing the listener into the emotional core of the song. The backing vocals, provided by the legendary group The Jones Girls, add depth and texture to the arrangement. The instrumentation, a blend of lush strings and soulful horns, creates a rich tapestry of sound.

See You When I Git There” is a timeless classic, a song that speaks to the universal human experience. It’s a testament to the enduring power of music to touch our hearts and lift our spirits. Whether you’re a longtime fan of Lou Rawls or simply someone who appreciates great music, this song is sure to resonate with you. It’s a reminder that even in the face of life’s greatest challenges, there is always beauty and hope to be found.
