Begin the Beguine ~ lyrics

About the Song

Originally composed by Cole Porter in 1935 for the musical “Jubilee,” “Begin the Beguine” is a sophisticated and rhythmic number with a Latin-inspired flair. The song’s title, “Beguine,” refers to a dance originating in Martinique, characterized by its syncopated rhythms and graceful movements. While the lyrics may seem somewhat enigmatic, Porter’s masterful songwriting creates a sense of longing and nostalgia that resonates with listeners.

Como’s rendition of “Begin the Beguine” is a testament to his artistry. His voice, rich and velvety, glides effortlessly over the intricate melody, conveying a sense of both melancholy and joy. The accompaniment, featuring a lush orchestral arrangement, provides a perfect backdrop for Como’s vocals, enhancing the song’s emotional impact.

The song’s popularity can be attributed to several factors. First, Como’s charismatic personality and relatable demeanor made him a beloved figure among audiences. His ability to connect with listeners on a personal level helped to establish him as a household name. Second, the song’s timeless melody and evocative lyrics have ensured its enduring appeal. “Begin the Beguine” continues to resonate with audiences of all ages, transcending generations and cultural boundaries.

In conclusion, “Begin the Beguine” by Perry Como is a masterpiece of popular music that has stood the test of time. Como’s masterful performance, combined with Porter’s sophisticated songwriting, creates a listening experience that is both captivating and unforgettable. Whether you are a longtime fan of Como or new to his music, “Begin the Beguine” is a song that deserves a place in your personal collection.
