About the Song

For those who’ve followed the trajectory of Judith Durham’s remarkable career, it’s well-known that her heart belonged to more than just the folk-infused pop that The Seekers made famous. Deep within her soul resonated a profound love for jazz and gospel, genres that allowed her voice to soar and showcase its versatility. “The Last Move For Me”, a rare recording from 1976, offers a glimpse into this lesser-explored facet of Durham’s musicality.

This live performance, accompanied by her husband Ron Edgeworth on piano and their jazz band, exudes an intimacy and warmth that’s simply captivating. Durham’s voice, though perhaps a touch weathered compared to her earlier recordings, retains its signature clarity and emotional depth. She navigates the song’s melancholic melody with a grace and maturity that only comes with time and experience. The lyrics, telling the tale of a love that’s run its course, are imbued with a bittersweet poignancy that Durham delivers with heartfelt sincerity.

What makes this recording particularly special is the sense of joy and freedom that permeates the performance. This isn’t Durham chasing chart success or conforming to any expectations; it’s simply her indulging in her passion for jazz, surrounded by musicians who clearly share her enthusiasm. The interplay between Durham and the band is effortless, creating a relaxed and inviting atmosphere that draws the listener in.

“The Last Move For Me” is a testament to Durham’s enduring artistry and her willingness to explore different musical avenues. It’s a reminder that even the most iconic voices can surprise and delight us with hidden depths. For fans of Durham’s work with The Seekers, this recording offers a fascinating glimpse into another side of her musical personality. And for jazz enthusiasts, it’s a chance to discover a gem that’s been tucked away for far too long.
