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About The Song

What Have They Done to the Rain? by The Seekers: A Folk Ballad of Environmental Lament

In the realm of folk music, few songs have captured the essence of environmental concern quite like “What Have They Done to the Rain?” by The Seekers. Released in 1964, this poignant ballad paints a vivid picture of a world grappling with the consequences of industrialization and unchecked pollution, its lyrics resonating deeply with listeners then and now.

The song’s opening lines, “When the sunbeams wake each morning in the sky / And the birds begin to sing their joyful song / I can’t help but wonder why / The rain no longer comes down,” immediately establish a sense of loss and longing. The once familiar rhythm of nature has been disrupted, replaced by an unsettling silence that leaves the speaker questioning the whereabouts of the life-giving rain.

The verses delve deeper into the environmental degradation that has befallen the land, lamenting the “smoky haze” that obscures the sun and the “dirty streams” that once teemed with life. The lyrics paint a stark contrast between the idyllic past and the grim present, highlighting the devastating impact of human actions on the environment.

The chorus, with its repeated plea of “What have they done to the rain? / What have they done to the rain?” serves as a powerful refrain, driving home the song’s central message of environmental destruction and the urgent need for action. It is a cry of despair mixed with a glimmer of hope, a reminder that we still have the power to reverse the damage we have caused.

The song’s bridge offers a brief respite from the despair, with a gentle interlude of piano and strings that evokes a sense of wistful nostalgia for a time when the rain was pure and abundant. However, this moment of tranquility is quickly shattered as the chorus returns, its urgency amplified, underscoring the gravity of the situation.

“What Have They Done to the Rain?” concludes with a plea for humanity to mend its ways and restore balance to the natural world. The lyrics implore listeners to “wash the smog away” and “let the clean rivers flow,” reminding us that we have a responsibility to protect the planet for future generations.

The Seekers’ rendition of “What Have They Done to the Rain?” is a timeless classic that has stood the test of time, its message of environmentalism as relevant today as it was when it was first released. The song’s enduring popularity is a testament to its power to connect with listeners on a deeply emotional level, inspiring them to reflect on their own impact on the environment and take action to create a more sustainable future.
