7" Single Elvis Presley - Only believe/ Life Vinyl Germany | eBay

About the Song

A Beacon of Hope: Unveiling Elvis Presley’s “Only Believe”
Gather ’round, friends, and let’s cast our minds back to a time when the King of Rock and Roll wasn’t just shaking hips and swiveling his blue suede shoes. No, we’re talking about a different kind of jive, a spiritual strut, a song that resonated with the deepest longings of the soul. I’m talking about Elvis Presley’s “Only Believe”, a melody that glimmers like a beacon in the night, guiding us through the shadows with its unwavering message of hope and faith.

Released in 1971, “Only Believe” wasn’t your typical Elvis fare. It wasn’t about hound dogs or heartbreak hotel. This was raw, unfiltered gospel, a testament to the King’s own evolving spiritual journey. You see, by this point in his career, Elvis had seen it all – the blinding lights, the screaming fans, the dizzying heights of fame. Yet, amidst the glitz and glamour, there was a yearning for something more, a search for a deeper purpose. And that’s where “Only Believe” comes in.

The song opens with a gentle strum of the guitar, like a whispered prayer. Elvis’s voice, usually known for its playful swagger, takes on a new depth, a vulnerability that resonates with anyone who’s ever felt lost or downhearted. He sings about “a heart heavy laden,” a soul burdened by doubt and despair. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? That feeling of being adrift, of searching for meaning in a world that often feels cold and indifferent.

But then, the chorus explodes like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds. “Lordy, only believe, only believe / All things are possible if you’ll only believe!” It’s a simple message, yet one that carries the weight of a thousand sermons. It’s a reminder that even in the darkest of nights, even when the weight of the world seems too much to bear, there is always hope. All we need is a little faith, a tiny spark of belief to ignite the fire within.

Elvis doesn’t preach or lecture. He sings with the gentle conviction of a friend sharing a secret, a truth he’s discovered through his own struggles. He tells us about finding God “one morning,” about the burdens lifted, the doubts banished. He’s not asking for blind faith; he’s simply saying, “Hey, I found something that works for me. Maybe it can work for you too.”

And it did. “Only Believe” resonated deeply with Elvis’s fans, many of whom were facing their own challenges in life. It became a source of comfort, a reminder that they weren’t alone. It offered a glimmer of hope, a chance to believe that even the impossible could be possible, all it took was a leap of faith.

So, the next time you hear “Only Believe,” don’t just listen to the music. Feel the message. Feel the vulnerability in Elvis’s voice. Feel the power of hope that shines through every word. Remember, it’s not just a song, it’s an invitation. An invitation to believe in something bigger than ourselves, to hold onto that tiny spark of faith even when the world feels dark. And who knows, maybe, just maybe, that’s all it takes to turn our hearts around and find our own way through the shadows.

Now, let the music wash over you, and let’s journey together into the world of Elvis Presley’s “Only Believe”.



Lordy, only believe, only believe
All things are possible if you’ll only believe
My Lordy, only believe, yes, only believe
All things are possible, if you’ll only believe
I met God one morning, my soul feeling bad
Heart heavy laden, I felt fire down in
Well, He lifted all my burdens
Yeah, right now I’m feeling glad
All things are possible, if you’ll only believe
I believe, yeah, I believe
All things are possible, if you’ll only believe